Facing Criminal Charges? Learn About Your Options Here

  • Why You Need To See A Workers Comp Attorney After Chemical Inhalation

    6 December 2022

    If you work in a factory or other type of industrial setting, chances are you're no stranger to the dangers of chemical inhalation. These dangerous chemicals can lead to all sorts of health problems, ranging from minor respiratory irritation to more serious conditions like cancer. And if you develop any health problems as a result of your exposure to these chemicals, you may be entitled to workers' compensation benefits. Here are reasons you should see a workers comp attorney after chemical inhalation:

  • 3 Reasons To Litigate A Trust

    26 October 2022

    When someone grants a trust, they do so with the expectation that some individual or organization will benefit. However, there are times when beneficiaries lose out, and that often leads to litigation. Folks who are wondering whether they should hire a trust litigation attorney should consider it for these three reasons.  Trustee Negligence Most trusts are organized to be as financially stable as possible. For example, a grantor might connect a trust to the proceeds from several large bonds to ensure the beneficiary will always have access to money.

  • Four Things You Should Know About A Possible DUI When Sleeping It Off In Your Car

    26 September 2022

    You would think that it's not possible to be arrested for driving under the influence while sleeping in your car; however, it happens, and it can happen to you. If you are ever in a situation where you find yourself on the verge of being arrested for a DUI while sleeping in your car, the following are a few things you should know: Your confession may be enough for a DUI conviction

  • Estate Planning: How Assigning Financial Power Of Attorney Simplifies Your Life

    16 August 2022

    When you dedicate your life to accruing wealth for your loved ones and building a legacy that will go on for generations, you need a support system that will keep you on the right path. You shouldn't hesitate to delegate tasks and affairs to reliable professionals who will take some burdens off your shoulders. One way to ensure you don't get overwhelmed by the responsibilities that accompany wealth building is to invest in an estate plan that gives you valuable tools you can use to your advantage.

  • Does Age Matter When You File For Disability?

    27 June 2022

    Filing for disability can be a long and drawn-out process, and it's certainly not something anybody wants to deal with. The good news is that disability can improve your life, giving you some of the tools you need to see a change in your circumstances. If you are currently not able to work, you may find that filing for disability is the best option. Still, your age could come into play.

  • Do You Need Help With Your Workers' Compensation Claim?

    23 May 2022

    It should not be necessary to get additional support from a legal professional when you are hurt at work. However, many employees must seek out a workers' compensation lawyer when things go wrong. You have a right to be paid benefits for legitimate work injuries, even if you must use a lawyer to get them. Call a Workers' Compensation Lawyer If you are owed benefits, the workers' compensation lawyer will work on your case even if you have no money to pay them.

  • It Doesn't Have To Be Difficult: Four Easy Post-Accident Moves To Make Now

    30 March 2022

    Things can seem challenging after an accident. Victims are often dealing with injuries, financial problems, and insurance worries on top of everything else. You can make a few smart moves after an accident that are sure to make things easier. Read on and find out how to make that happen in four easy moves. Take Your Time Sometimes, the best course of action is no action at all. Immediately after an accident is no time to be making big decisions of any type.

  • Common Defenses A Criminal Attorney May Raise To Help Fight Perjury Charges

    28 February 2022

    If you have been charged with perjury, you may be thinking about hiring a criminal attorney to help defend you against the charges you are facing. One of the things that you may be curious to know before you hire an attorney is how they can help you to fight the charges you are facing. Most criminal attorneys use defenses to help get the prosecuting office to reduce or dismiss the charges, or to convince a judge or jury that you are not guilty.

  • 3 Critical Things You Need To Consider For Your SSDI Application

    21 January 2022

    If you were diagnosed with a long-term or terminal illness and cannot work anymore, you may want to apply for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits. These payments can be a godsend when you cannot continue with your job anymore due to severe injuries or terminal illness. Unfortunately, the application process can be challenging, and many first-time applicants get denied by the Social Security Administration. That said, if you receive a denial for your SSDI claim, this doesn't mean you aren't eligible to get the benefits.

  • You May Be Charged For Drunkenness Even If Your Vehicle Isn't In Motion

    30 November 2021

    You might be surprised that you can be arrested for a DUI even when you are not actually driving the vehicle. If you have pulled over your car by the side of the road and are waiting until you sober up enough to safely drive, a police officer might still choose to press charges.  Physical Possession of the Vehicle The police officer will want to determine if you actually have physical control of the car and will then ask you to submit to a breathalyzer test or a blood test.