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  • Local Authorities May Have A Duty To Care For Visitors To Public Beaches

    29 May 2020

    Jogging down the beach can be a lot of fun. Spending time engaged in such an exercise can also improve your health. However, getting injured while jogging on the beach undermines a lot of the good the activity delivers. If injured on the sandy ocean-scape, you may also have legitimate legal issues to consider. Although a public beach might be a wide-open space, the property falls under someone's care or a local government's jurisdiction.

  • Determining When Your Need A Lawyer For Traffic Court

    14 December 2019

    If you receive a ticket that requires you to appear in court for a motor vehicle offense, you may want to hire a lawyer to come to court with you. Depending on what the ticket is for, you could be facing severe fines or even time in jail, so having an experienced lawyer there to help you may be critical.  Severity of the Crime One of the most common determining factors when it comes to deciding on whether you need to have a lawyer for your court appearance is the crime you are accused of.

  • When a Stroke Affects Your Job

    22 October 2019

    Strokes are an unfortunately common happening and are devastating for the sufferers. Your work will certainly be negatively affected by a stroke. The question may be whether or not the lasting effects of the stroke affect you enough to hinder your job for more than a year in the future. To find out more about strokes and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) read on. Stroke Effects Vary Strokes are not one-size-fits-all impairments.

  • Estate Planning To Cover Your Children

    29 April 2019

    If you are the parent of a minor child, you must turn your thoughts to who will care for them in the event of your death. This can be one of the most difficult aspects of estate planning to address since it involves far more than just financial matters. Read on for some considerations when it comes to choosing who will act as the guardian of your child after your death.

  • What Not To Do When Applying For Social Security Disability Benefits

    29 April 2019

    You can negatively influence your ability to be approved for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) if you aren't careful. The application itself and the process to apply can be fraught with opportunities for mistakes. With the approval period being months and months, making an error when you apply could result in an extremely unwelcome delay in getting the financial benefits you need. Read on to find out about some common and easily remedied issues, and send in an accurate and complete application for benefits.

  • Recognizably Responsible: Understanding Own Recognizance

    28 January 2019

    When it comes to getting out of jail, there is more than one way. You might be offered bail and then you can pay a sum of money to be released. Not everyone can be offered bail, however, and some people cannot be released regardless of any sum of money paid. The other way to gain release from jail is to be released on your own recognizance. Read on to learn more about this manner of gaining freedom.

  • Two Reasons You Need Attorney Representation For Your Small Business Right Now

    20 December 2018

    When you're starting a business, money is often in short supply -- and the list of things you need to get done may seem endless. The last thing you may want to add to your list of "things to do" (and "things to pay for") may be an attorney. There are a number of reasons that waiting to hire an attorney can be a very big mistake. Here are two important things you should consider: