Facing Criminal Charges? Learn About Your Options Here

  • Factors That Determine Whether A Warning On A Dangerous Product Is Adequate

    24 June 2017

    Manufacturers of potentially dangers products are required to warn the public about the dangerous of their products. If a manufacturer fails to include such a warning, then they may face "failure to warn" lawsuits from injury victims harmed by the product. Here are four things such a warning should include for it to be considered adequate: Should Include a Word Indicating Warning A warning isn't adequate if you can't differentiate it from other things such as instructions for use or list of ingredients at the first glance.

  • How a Trial Lawyer Can Help With Your Medical Malpractice Case

    5 June 2017

    Medical malpractice can be a complex subject, and many patients fail to recognize the signs that a health care professional may not have acted in their best interests. Most medical malpractice suits aren't the result of intentional abuse on the part of the health care provider -- more often than not, it's caused by general incompetence or complacency. However, that doesn't make it any less of a problem for medical malpractice victims.

  • Four Things That May Affect Your Child Support Payment

    18 May 2017

    When divorcing your spouse, it is possible that you may have to pay child support, even if you plan on sharing physical custody of the children. The purpose of child support is to ensure that children are minimally impacted by the economic consequences of divorce. Check out some of the components that may play a factor in how much you pay for child support. 1. Your Earning Potential You probably know that your potential child support payment takes into account your salary.

  • 3 Ways To Get That Security Video Thrown Out Of Court

    8 May 2017

    If you are facing criminal charges, and one of the strongest pieces of evidence against you is a security video, you are going to want your attorney to work and try to get the evidence suppressed or thrown out of court. Here are three different strategies that your attorney can use to get security videos thrown out of court. #1 Wrong Time Stamps One of the easiest ways to get the video thrown out is by examining the time stamp on the video.

  • 3 Reasons Why You Need A Car Accident Attorney Today

    22 April 2017

    Were you recently involved in an automobile accident? Was the accident the fault of the other driver but you're having a hard time getting any payment from either insurance company? Insurance companies can sometimes be much slower to pay than you would probably prefer. But when you have various bills that need to be taken care of, you don't want to have to keep waiting for your insurance money. You may need professional assistance.

  • How Your Spouse's Actions Can Prolong Your Divorce

    6 April 2017

    If you are divorcing a spouse who has decided to give you a hard time, there are myriad things they can do to prolong your divorce and even make it costlier. Here are examples of unnecessary actions that may prolong a divorce: Filing Multiple Motions and Hearings During a divorce, one of the partners may have a pressing issue that they need the court to rule on before they can proceed with the divorce.

  • Check Out These Things Before Purchasing A Retail Building

    2 April 2017

    Real estate investments can be lucrative, particularly if you start picking up commercial properties. A retail building that houses a few stores can be a solid, ongoing source of profit, but you need to check out the few things before buying so that you won't end up losing money or finding yourself in legal trouble. Building Compliance Issues Something you need to pay close attention to before you purchase a retail building is whether there are any outstanding compliance issues.