28 March 2017
When you receive certain types of personal injuries, it may be in your best interest to contact a personal injury attorney. While this is likely going to vary depending on the severity of your injury, or the situation with the person or business who caused your injury, there are always going to be benefits to hiring a personal injury attorney. This article is going to discuss 3 of these benefits.
14 November 2016
While highly controversial, DUI checkpoints are used in a number of states to catch drunk drivers at random. But there are a set of rules that officers must follow in order for the checkpoint to be legal. If you've recently gotten a DUI in California, you may want to know whether you can fight the charges. If any of the following requirements were not met when you were stopped, your attorney can try to prove that the arrest was unlawful, and all charges should be dropped.
10 December 2015
Living in an area prone to seasonal droughts has likely made you very conscious of your water usage. While many Americans take their ability to enjoy long showers or a lush green lawn for granted, those on the West Coast and in the Southwest have been facing water shortages for years -- and many state and local governments have begun cracking down on residential water usage. What can you do if you become aware a neighbor is violating water use restrictions?
22 September 2015
Wrongful death claims are often challenging to litigate. There are a variety of factors that contribute to whether or not the judge or jury will agree with your position and decide the case in your favor. Here are three things that may result in your wrongful death claim being denied or dismissed. Lack of Duty of Care The first thing that must be established in a wrongful death case is the defendant had a duty of care to the person who died.
26 May 2015
After you hire a divorce attorney, understand that you will need to discuss some highly personal matters if your split is a contentious one. You may prefer to keep important information under wraps. However, doing so can work against you as you try to negotiate issues such as division of assets, spousal support and child custody. Your spouse may talk about these matters with their own lawyer even if the two of you had agreed not to do this.